For decades associated with North/South, fair trade shifts hemispheres with "Agri-Éthique." Since 2013, Agri-Éthique has strived to offer a new form of trade that is more ethical and collective in France.

Agri-Éthique represents a new business model that is more supportive of French farmers. This approach was born in 2013 during a period of turmoil and instability in the agro-economic sector. At that time, society became aware that farms in France were under threat. French local farmers are struggling to get paid and cover their production costs. In fact, it is the agri-food sectors that are threatened, and with them, thousands of jobs. We must therefore envision a new economic model, more coherent and fairer, capable of reestablishing connections between all stakeholders from farmer to consumer. This marked the birth of "Agri-Éthique."

The approach has continually been structured and organized since its inception to guarantee, through its label, a fair and remunerative price for farmers, to preserve employment in France, and to support eco-responsible societal and environmental practices.


FAIR® has engaged a strong and long-term agreement with all stakeholders amongst it supply chain to guarantee a fair trade sourcing for their quinoa and their wheat in order to protect French farmers from multiple external risks (volatility of markets, climate changes)
Fair as a pioneer is the first drink company involving in the label Agri-Ethique France.